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*Note: ACT Superscore

 Important Note: The following information is intended as a general overview of the program for those applying, or who are considering applying, for the scholarship and is not intended to be a comprehensive compilation of program requirements. For complete information, please refer to the program’s rules and regulations.

7 results found

Arkansas Academic Challenge Scholarship | ACST

High School Non-Traditional Students
Arkansas Academic Challenge Scholarship Picture

The Arkansas Academic Challenge Program provides scholarships to Arkansas residents pursuing higher education. Funded in large part by the Arkansas Scholarship Lottery, the Arkansas Academic Challenge Scholarship is available to students regardless of their academic status, whether just graduating from high school, currently enrolled in college, enrolling in college for the first time, or re-enrolling after a period of time out of college.

Who May Apply:

Traditional: Students applying for the upcoming expecting to attend an approved college or university in the academic year following your graduation from a public high school, a private or out-of-state high school, or homeschool must have an ACT composite score or superscore of at least a 19 (or an equivalent of a 19 composite on an equivalent test).  Traditional students must begin attendance in at least 12 credit hours the first Fall semester following high school graduation and at least 15 credit hours each semester thereafter to receive their funds that semester.  They must then earn at least 27 credit hours in their first academic year and at least 30 credit hours each academic year thereafter with a 2.5 cumulative GPA.  Freshmen finishing their first academic year who did not apply or qualify for Academic Challenge Scholarship may be considered a Traditional student if they were enrolled as a full-time first-time freshman and completed 27 hours with a 2.5 GPA in their first academic year.   If they do not have 27 hours at the end of Spring, they can still apply as Non-Traditional. Non-Traditional Students are defined as students who are currently in college and did not receive Challenge, as well as adults who have completed some college but do not have a degree.

Non-Traditional: Students with some or no college credit can qualify.  If you have some college credit and have a cumulative college GPA of at least 2.5.  A student with no college credit can qualify as Non-Traditional if they have an ACT composite score or superscore of at least 19 (or an equivalent of a 19 composite on an equivalent test). Non-traditional students may begin attendance in less than the required amount of semester credit hours that Traditional students need and still receive a pro-rated amount of the scholarship for that semester. They must also maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 and earn the appropriate amount of hours based on if they attended full-time (15+ credit hours) or part-time (less than 15 credit hours) each semester.

Award Amount:
4 Year Institutions: $1,000 freshman year | $4,000 sophomore year | $4,000 junior year | $5,000 senior year. 2 Year Institutions: $1,000 freshman year | $3,000 sophomore year

Annual Deadline
July 1

Arkansas Future Grant | ARFUTURE

High School Non-Traditional Students Other
Arkansas Future Grant Picture

Arkansas Future (ArFuture) is the newest state grant program. The purpose of this grant is to increase the education and skills of Arkansas’s workforce in an affordable manner. The grant applies to students enrolled in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) or regional high-demand areas of study. The grant will cover tuition and fees for qualifying certificate and Associate degree programs at Arkansas’ public institutions for eligible students. The grant is available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Who May Apply:

Every person who has graduated from an Arkansas high school, Arkansas home school or GED program, or anyone who has a high school diploma and has lived in Arkansas for the last three years and has not yet earned an Associate degree. Students must enroll in a STEM program, a state high demand, or regionally high demand area of study. Students must complete the FAFSA. Visit to view eligible programs!

Award Amount:
Tuition and general mandatory fees

Fall Deadline
July 1

Spring Deadline
January 10

Arkansas Workforce Challenge | AWC

High School Non-Traditional Students
Arkansas Workforce Challenge Picture
The purpose of the scholarship is for workforce training in high-demand areas of healthcare, information technology, and industry.  Classes are not limited to credit-bearing programs.  Non-credit, workforce-training classes that fit into the three above categories may also qualify.

Who May Apply:
Every person who has graduated from an Arkansas high school, Arkansas home school or GED program, or anyone who has a high school diploma or GED earned from another state and has lived in Arkansas for the last year. Students must enroll in a high demand area of study in the programs of Information Technology, Healthcare, and Industry. Programs are not restricted for credit bearing classes. Non-credit, workforce-training classes that fit into the three above categories may also qualify. A listing of programs is available on the state financial aid website: Arkansas Workforce Challenge Program List. Students are not eligible for both Academic Challenge and Workforce Challenge.

How to apply:
30 days prior to class start date

Award Amount:
Up to $800 per program

Arkansas Concurrent Challenge Picture

Qualified high school students may be eligible to enroll in concurrent courses and be covered by the new Arkansas Concurrent Challenge Scholarship.

Award Amount:
$125 per eligible course

Governor’s Higher Education Transition Scholarship Picture
The Governor’s Higher Education Transition Scholarship Program is open to students who have already been accepted into a transitional program accredited by The Institute for Community Inclusion as Comprehensive Training Programs. 

Who May Apply:

Students admitted into a qualifying program may complete the application.

Current Qualifying Programs

  • “HOWL” at Arkansas State University Jonesboro
  • “ACAP” at South Arkansas Community College
  • “EMPOWER” at University of Arkansas
  • “3D” at University of Arkansas at Pulaski Technical College

Award Amount:
Maximum of $2,500/eligible semester

Fall Deadline
July 1

Spring Deadline
January 10

Governor’s Distinguished Scholarship Picture
The Governor’s Distinguished Scholarship is the most academically rigorous scholarship program offered for those graduating high school seniors scoring either a minimum composite or superscore of 32 on the ACT or 1410 on the SAT and a 3.5 unweighted, cumulative grade point average. Those named National Merit Finalists or National Achievement Scholars may qualify without meeting the GPA requirement but must still meet the ACT/SAT requirement. FAFSA is required. The scholarship pays tuition, mandatory fees, and room and board up to $10,000 per year.

Who May Apply:

High school seniors who possess a 32 ACT composite or superscore or 1410 on the SAT while maintaining a 3.5 unweighted, cumulative GPA or the standing of National Merit and National Achievement Finalist.

Note: Non-U.S. Citizens with an Employment Authorization Document (EAD) or have a parent who has an EAD may apply for the Governor’s Scholars Program (FAFSA will not be required for these students).  Please contact our office at 501-371-1064 if this is your situation.

Award Amount:
Up to $10,000 per academic year for 4 years

Annual Deadline
March 1

Arkansas Teacher Academy Scholarship | TAC

High School Graduate Students Teachers Non-Traditional Students
Arkansas Teacher Academy Scholarship Picture

Disclaimer: The laws, rules, regulations, award amounts, amount of awardees, eligibility criteria, funding per program, etc., are subject to change at any point prior to, during, or after application through the SAMS application. These changes will be based on changes in law or funding provided by the Arkansas General Assembly. It is understood that ADHE is not at fault for any changes that occur to any financial aid program. In addition, awards for all ADHE programs are limited by the availability of funds.

The Arkansas Teacher Academy Scholarship is a program that offers aspiring teachers up to $6,000 for tuition and program fees each semester for undergraduate studies.  For every year a student receives funding, the student is required to teach in an Arkansas public school.  Graduate programs may also be covered with the same work requirement.

Requirements: Within one year of completion, Academy attendees must teach in an Arkansas public school for each year of funding received.  Acceptance in the Arkansas Teacher Academy Scholarship program from participating institutions.

Important Dates:

  • October 1, 2024 – Teacher Academy application for Spring 2025 semester opens
  • January 10, 2025 – Spring 2025 semester deadline
  • January 15, 2025 – Teacher Academy application for Fall 2025 semester opens
  • July 1, 2025 – Fall 2025 semester deadline

*You must be enrolled in Spring 2025 semester to be eligible for Summer 2025 sessions.

Who May Apply:
Students with some or no college credit can qualify. However, they must maintain satisfactory academic progress each semester, towards becoming a licensed teacher in Arkansas.

Award Amount:
Up to $6,000 per semester for tuition and program fees

Fall Deadline
July 1

Spring Deadline
January 10