Arkansas Concurrent Challenge | CCS
Important Note: The following information is intended as a general overview of the program for those applying, or who are considering applying, for the scholarship and is not intended to be a comprehensive compilation of program requirements. For complete information, please refer to the program’s rules and regulations.

Qualified high school students may be eligible to enroll in concurrent courses and be covered by the new Arkansas Concurrent Challenge Scholarship.
Qualified high school students may be eligible to enroll in concurrent courses and be covered by the new Arkansas Concurrent Challenge Scholarship Act (Act 456 of 2019). The scholarship is funded by excess Arkansas Lottery proceeds.
The Arkansas Concurrent Challenge Scholarship will award eligible high school students $125 per course for up to two concurrent credit courses per semester.
Award Amount
$125 per eligible course
Detailed Description
Basic Eligibility Criteria
An applicant must:
- Be a high school student, classified as a sophomore, junior, or senior
- Be an Arkansas resident or, if the student is less than twenty-one (21) years of age, either the student or one (1) parent of the student is an Arkansas resident
- Be enrolled in an endorsed concurrent course or certificate program
- Provide proof that a completed student success plan has been submitted to the student’s high school or home school. The plan must:
- Be prepared in consultation with school personnel, the student, and the student's parent or legal guardian or a college advisor.
- Include an endorsed concurrent enrollment course or certificate program that is relevant to the student's success plan and include measures that ensure the successful completion of the endorsed concurrent enrollment course or certificate program in 3 which the student is enrolled.
- Not enrolled in a vocational center where the student’s enrollment is reimbursable under § 6-51-305
- Meet all established requirements for endorsed concurrent enrollment courses set by the Division of Higher Education
Continuing Eligibility Criteria
- A student is eligible to continue to receive the scholarship if the student successfully completes an endorsed concurrent credit course or certificate program course and receives a minimum grade point average of 2.50.
- A student who fails to complete an endorsed concurrent credit course or certificate program course with a minimum GPA of 2.50 may retain eligibility and enroll in no more than one (1) concurrent credit course or certificate program course for the semester immediately following the semester in which the student failed to successfully complete an endorsed concurrent credit course or certificate program course.
- If a student fails to complete an endorsed concurrent credit course or certificate program course a second time, the student shall be ineligible to reapply or receive the scholarship again. This also applies to a student that drops out of an endorsed concurrent credit course or certificate program course before the end of the semester.
Other Information
Only high school students who are classified as a Sophomore, Junior, or Senior can qualify. Contact your high school counselor or local college advisor for student and course eligibility.