Scholarship Application Management System | SAMS
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Scholarship Application Management System
Please use the in-built Support tab: Ticket System to reach out to us directly for any technical SAMS issues. Additionally, continue to use the Financial Aid Support Team email: for queries related to Financial Aid Eligibility.
NOTE: Student’s (Applicants) YOUniversal email and password will continue to work on the SAMS Portal. You will be prompted to set up 3 password related questions upon log-on to the SAMS – Applicant Portal for the first time.
Finance Aid Process
Step 1
Create an Account
Step 2
Complete the free application for Federal Student AID (FAFSA)
Step 3
Review the Student AID Report (SAR)
Step 4
Submit paperwork requested by the Financial AID Office timely
Step 5
Review your AID offer
Step 6
Complete federal student loan MPN (Master Promissory Note) & Loan entrance counseling
Institutions: Colleges and Universities
Four-Year Public University
Two-Year Public Colleges
Other Higher Education Entities
Private Colleges & Universities
Locate Eligible Colleges
Check the list of colleges that participate in Arkansas.