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*Note: ACT Superscore

 Important Note: The following information is intended as a general overview of the program for those applying, or who are considering applying, for the scholarship and is not intended to be a comprehensive compilation of program requirements. For complete information, please refer to the program’s rules and regulations.

1 results found

Arkansas Workforce Challenge | AWC

High School Non-Traditional Students
Arkansas Workforce Challenge Picture
The purpose of the scholarship is for workforce training in high-demand areas of healthcare, information technology, and industry.  Classes are not limited to credit-bearing programs.  Non-credit, workforce-training classes that fit into the three above categories may also qualify.

Who May Apply:
Every person who has graduated from an Arkansas high school, Arkansas home school or GED program, or anyone who has a high school diploma or GED earned from another state and has lived in Arkansas for the last year. Students must enroll in a high demand area of study in the programs of Information Technology, Healthcare, and Industry. Programs are not restricted for credit bearing classes. Non-credit, workforce-training classes that fit into the three above categories may also qualify. A listing of programs is available on the state financial aid website: Arkansas Workforce Challenge Program List. Students are not eligible for both Academic Challenge and Workforce Challenge.

How to apply:
30 days prior to class start date

Award Amount:
Up to $800 per program