Student Undergraduate Research Fellowship | SURF
Important Note: The following information is intended as a general overview of the program for those applying, or who are considering applying, for the scholarship and is not intended to be a comprehensive compilation of program requirements. For complete information, please refer to the program’s rules and regulations.

Disclaimer: The laws, rules, regulations, award amounts, amount of awardees, eligibility criteria, funding per program, etc. are subject to change at any point prior to, during or after an application is submitted. These changes will be based on changes in law or funding provided by the Arkansas General Assembly. It is understood that ADHE is not at fault for any changes that occur to any financial aid program. In addition, awards for all ADHE programs are limited by the availability of funds.
The focus of the Student Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) is the continued development of undergraduate academic research efforts at Arkansas’s public and private institutions of higher education and to provide funding to encourage students to conduct in-depth research projects in specific fields of study under the tutelage of tenured or full-time faculty member. The program is designed to assist all students throughout the state.
Students must submit a formal application for Student Undergraduate Research Fellowship to ADHE. To view the required materials for the SURF application, please click Apply Now. The applicant must complete and submit the Student Undergraduate Research Fellowship application to ADHE directly or via their institution’s Grants and Sponsored Programs Office to be considered for the fellowship.
Scholarship Deadline to Apply
Annual Deadline
November 1
Detailed Description
Basic Eligibility Criteria
An applicant must:
- Be a citizen of the United States or a permanent resident alien
- Be enrolled in an approved Arkansas institution of higher education as a full-time student, as defined by ADHE
- Be enrolled in a program of study that leads to or is creditable toward a baccalaureate degree
- Programs include baccalaureate and associate degree programs
- Have completed at least 30 semester credit hours before funds are awarded
- Have a minimum cumulative 3.25 grade point average
- Have a tenured or full-time faculty member to serve as their mentor
- Submit the following documents in order:
- SURF cover page (signed by mentor and institutional official)
- Mentor form and mentor’s vita (2 page maximum)
- Student form and student vita
- Current transcript and listing of current semester classes
- One page abstract or summary of proposed research
- Description of proposed research (maximum of 5 pages, double spaced)
- Budget and budget justification forms
- Letter of support from mentor
- Two letters of recommendation from faculty members
Applicants are reviewed and given a grade on a scale from 1 to 9 as shown on the grading form link below.
SURF Selection Committee Evaluation Criteria
Continuing Eligibility Criteria
- Once you are awarded the SURF Grant, as long as you carry out the research and responsibilities of the grant, you will continue to remain eligible for the funds awarded to you until the deadline to submit your findings, listed below.
- Spring only – May 1
- Spring through Summer – August 1
- Spring through Fall – December 1
- A student may compete for additional years but cannot receive more than three total years of funding.
Award Amounts
- The amount of the fellowship awarded to each recipient:
- Up to $4,000 Maximum SURF Award if applying for Spring through Summer or Spring through Fall. Up to $2,750 Maximum SURF Award if applying for Spring Only.
- $1,250 maximum award (Student Stipend)
- Spring only ($625 maximum award)
- Spring through Summer ($1,250 maximum award)
- Spring through Fall ($1,250 maximum award)
- $750 maximum award (Student Travel)
- $750 maximum award (Mentor Award)
- $1,250 maximum award (Institution Match)
- Spring only ($625 maximum match)
- Spring through Summer ($1,250 maximum match)
- Spring through Fall ($1,250 maximum match)
- $1,250 maximum award (Student Stipend)
- Up to $4,000 Maximum SURF Award if applying for Spring through Summer or Spring through Fall. Up to $2,750 Maximum SURF Award if applying for Spring Only.
- Any unspent funds are returned by your institution to ADHE after the deadlines listed below depending on your project length
- Spring only – May 1
- Spring through Summer – August 1
- Spring through Fall – December 1
Other Information
No-Cost Time Extension: If you require additional time to complete your project or conduct your research due to extenuating circumstances beyond your control such as a conference being cancelled or rescheduled, personal or family illness, called to active service in the military, etc., please notify your institution’s Grants and Sponsored Programs Office or ADHE directly at You may be able to request additional time to spend your awarded grant funds.
Application Preparation Assistance: If you require technical assistance with preparation of your application, please contact Quinton Morgan at 501-371-1064.